Tag Archive for: steel


PreCoat Z31 for galvanized steel: First in Europe

AD Chemicals (chemical supplier) and Weert Group (galvanizer and powder coating applicator) are introducing an innovative chromium (VI)- free pretreatment system prior to powder coating on galvanized steel (Duplex-system). Weert Group is the first galvanizer in Europe to implement this new technology that complies with both the GSB and Qualicoat (Approval No. A-119) standard.

For making this innovation possible, there has been a joint research and development trajectory of more than 8 years. The uniqueness of the PreCoat Z31 pretreatment lies in the fact that it is a 1-on-1 replacement for chromium (VI), meaning that all the qualitative properties are sustained (corrosion protection, paint adhesion, passivation). This results in a corrosion protection and paint adhesion of more than 2000 hours of NSS, a performance to be proud of. The expectation of AD Chemicals and Weert Group is that this new system will become the (global) market standard in chromium (VI) free pretreatments on galvanized steel.


More innovations from AD Chemicals: PreCoat F31/20 and Z31/20 for grit blasting

AD Chemicals launches a revolutionary new product on the global grit/sand blasting market. Namely, PreCoat F31/20 suitable for treatment of steel and PreCoat Z31/20 for aluminum and galvanized steel. PreCoat is a chemical treatment applied directly after grit/sand blasting or metallization(also referred to as metal spraying). It has two main benefits; by applying the product directly after blasting, a conversion layer is created that substantially improves the adhesion of the painting system (suitable for wet painting and powder coating) and significantly enhances the corrosion-protection resistance properties of the paint system as a whole. The application procedure of PreCoat is very easy and can be integrated in every business process. Furthermore it is developed in compliancy with the Qualisteelcoat, Qualicoat and GSB quality standards. The innovative aspect is that it combines the worlds of mechanical and chemical pre-treatment, enabling a longer product lifetime.